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Thursday, March 6, 2008

7 March 08 - a Dark Sunny Day

The rain finally stopped, having rained for the past 4 mornings. How nice to see the sun up high again, bringing vibrancy and feel of positiveness to the Land. But it was overshadowed by a sad news that was made known to me by late morning.

Was busy on my desk typing a report wheni received an sms from wife, telling me that her colleague had just finished her medical appt at Hospital for nose bleed, and was told by the attending doctor that she have a tumour in her nose and it could be cancerous. Straight upon reading that sms, the images of her colleague and her hubby and two kids kept appearing in my mind. I could not help but feel for them all. I mean it was over a year ago when all of us were together on a tour organised by their company and we were all about the same age.

This news reminds me again of how unpredictable life is. Why tragic events have to occur when a person is at his most blissful period of his life. People said things are fated, but why is Fate so cruel with Its sequence of events.

It makes me realise also that life is too short to harp on all the unhappy issues. Learn to forgive and forget, yes, i shall forgive all the ill-mannered drivers who annoyed me every day.

And to my wife's colleague and her family, i hope they be strong and they shall overcome....for the rays of happiness will shine upon them after scaling the mountain of obstacle. Jiayou!

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